Co-op x Contentsquare

How Co-op Food drives 11x ROI by democratizing data with Contentsquare

The Company

The Co-op group is one of the world’s largest consumer co-operatives with businesses in food retail, wholesale, funeral care, and insurance and legal services. Its food retail business, Co-op Food, has around over 2,500 brick-and-mortar stores and an online grocery store, which was launched a little over two years ago. 

Co-op now has an online offer from over 2,000 stores, through its own online shop and through strategic partners including Deliveroo, Uber Eats, Amazon Prime and, robot deliveries with Starship Technologies

The team needed a tool that would be “quick to implement and easy to use by a wide range of stakeholders,” says Gareth Cottiss, eCommerce Development Manager at Co-op. So, they turned to Contentsquare’s highly visual Digital Experience Analytics Cloud to better understand their digital customer.

The Challenge

Before Contentsquare, Co-op Food’s digital team used Google Analytics but was not set up to draw meaningful insights from the data. The team also relied heavily on in-store metrics and sales data, not fully taking into account their new online customer and their digital journey. 

“The key selling point of Contentsquare was its ease of implementation and impressive client success program. Knowing we’d get dedicated support from Contentsquare while onboarding and upskilling made the decision easy.“

Gareth Cottiss

eCommerce Development Manager at Co-op

The Solution

CS Digital deployment was done in partnership with Contentsquare’s Account Managers and Product Specialists. “They gave great advice and showed us examples from work with other clients, as well as sharing their time and expertise when needed,” says Gareth. To further support the democratization of data across the business, Data Analyst Joanna Kowalik was brought in to join Gareth's team.

“I love Contentsquare because it makes it easy to increase data engagement across teams because nobody's scared away by massive tables or complicated tracking.”

Joanna Kowalik

Digital Analyst at Co-op

Here’s how different digital teams across Co-op Food benefit from Contentsquare:

The engineering team: To uncover site errors

The engineering team uses Contentsquare to uncover the ‘why’ behind any website errors. “We had an issue where, for example, we could see a drop off at the payment stage but couldn't understand why,” says Joanna. Customer Journey Analysis showed customers weren’t leaving the site but were being moved back to the basket. By setting up Session Replay for that specific customer segment, the engineering team reviewed customer sessions to uncover what caused the error and was able to correct it. 

UX researchers and designers: To gain deeper insight into tests 

The UX team use Session Replay to get a detailed view of how customers interact on-site. Contentsquare is also integrated with their A/B testing tool, Adobe Target, to provide deeper insight into their new feature experiments. 

Activity team and merchandising team: To optimize campaigns

The activity team uses Contentsquare to analyze and review their on-site seasonal events. “We share Contentsquare insights with the wider business, as well as our in-store colleagues,” shares Gareth. The merchandising team uses Zone-Based Heatmaps to review banner performance and sponsored products. CS dashboards in Workspace are set up to enable both teams to monitor the performance of campaigns.

Media agency: To gain brand insights 

Co-op Food works with its media agency to sell and monitor brand placements on its site. Contentsquare provides an additional layer of insight for brands. “Being able to show how users interact with a campaign or banner is really powerful. It makes those campaigns perform better going forward and also allows us to show the value back to brands,” says Gareth.

“Our ongoing relationship with Contentsquare is incredibly collaborative. Their team has been as driven as our internal colleagues to better understand our online customers and optimize the wealth of data available to make tangible changes to improve the shopping experience. The level of adoption internally is a testament to the benefit we have seen and also a reflection of their product innovation, with their recent merchandising product taking our trading insights to the next level. Ultimately it is a very fruitful partnership.”

Gary Kisby

Web Operations Lead at Coop

The results

11x ROI with Contentsquare

Contentsquare played a pivotal role in democratizing data across Co-op Food. Co-op has gone from six active to over 30 active users spread across five different teams. “The platform has found a natural home across multiple teams, which is great,” says Gareth. “It’s also helped us to prioritize improvements; with a long list of things we want to achieve, making sure our prioritization is right is crucial. That’s been key to our growth over the past two years.” 

“Contentsquare has helped us develop our understanding of online shopper behavior, putting insights into the hands of the people who can take action.”

Gareth Cottiss

eCommerce Development Manager at Co-op

What’s next?

Co-op Food recently implemented CS Merchandising to enable product-level insights and data-driven decision-making on how to display products on the website. “It’ll help us talk to the wider business about performance online, in a language they’ll understand,” shares Gareth. 

“Our partnership with Contentsquare was driven by a desire to gain a detailed understanding of how our shoppers behave online with the aim of delivering a seamless and frictionless experience. With shoppers’ habits constantly evolving, Contentsquare is as critical as ever in ensuring every change we make to the site is data-driven and reflects how our customers behave. It’s been great to see teams collaborate and get excited about data due to the visual nature of the tool. If you are after quick, actionable insights Contentsquare is a great option.”

Chris Conway

eCommerce Director at Coop

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