Streamlining the customer journey using behavioral data

The Challenge

The website consistently has a high level of traffic, but visitors did not always convert, and potential customers were dropping off. The company was in need of a holistic view of customer behavior — based on quantitative and qualitative data — that would provide intelligent and actionable insights into how customers interacted and journeyed through the website.

In order to provide the best possible experience, RingCentral had to understand the way in which customers interacted with its website. It had to ensure elements of the website were aligned with customer behavior to drive interaction and engagement.

Contentsquare is such a critical piece for any marketeer's analytics suite, because blending the qualitative and quantitative is really important, as web marketing is both an art and a science. It helps us to get a 360-degree view of the customer experience and I think it’s a tool that everybody should be using."

Lisa Friedman

Associate Vice President of Web Marketing and eCommerce,

The Methodology

RingCentral had already been conducting A/B testing prior to using our solution. But without the sort of robust, experience-related metrics we provide, they were unable to consider the website from the point of view of a customer, and unable to recognize where the website wasn’t providing an optimum experience.

Insights from the data we captured enabled RingCentral to gain a deeper understanding of the entire customer experience — establishing which areas needed to be removed or redesigned, what customers were clicking on or searching for, and what aspects were reducing the probability to convert.

"By analyzing our website visits with Contentsquare, we were able to identify parts of the website that had the potential to be high-converting areas. This helped us fix any issues visitors were experiencing, bridge gaps in the system and redesign areas where potential customers were stumbling."

Lisa Friedman

Associate Vice President of Web Marketing and eCommerce,

The Outcome

Our insights have had a significant impact on conversion rates. Since deploying Contentsquare, the RingCentral team has identified several areas that were ripe for testing and improvement. One such test to the main lead capture form resulted in an immediate 25% increase in conversion rate.

As a result, our solution has become strategically important to RingCentral and is now helping drive key business decisions. The team consults the data before embarking on any alterations, running tests or implementing new features.